
Mountfields Lodge School

Aim High, Reach for the Sky

Mountfields Lodge School


School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the School Office. If paper copies of these policies are required, please again contact the School Office.

For further details as to the School's Curriculum Policies, please refer to the 'Our Curriculum' page where you will find 'Curriculum Intent Statements, Progression Maps and Core Learning Expectations.

For more information re the school's approach to RSHE - Relationships and Sex and Health Education - please refer to the 'Parents' tab > Letters Sent Home Summer 2021

Please Note: Parents have the right to withdraw a child from R.E.; parents should talk to the Class Teacher and Head Teacher if they wish to do so. Withdrawn pupils are required to occupy themselves with another activity whilst RE is being taught, e.g. reading a library book, or a book related to their own particular faith provided by their parent/carer.

Parents have the right to request their child be withdrawn from PSHE lessons that explicitly teach Sex Education that refers to Human Reproduction; any request should be made to the Head Teacher. Withdrawn pupils will be provided with another activity whilst these lessons are being taught.

Please Note: Extract from the school's Collective Worship Policy: Parents have a legal right to withdraw their child from collective worship on the grounds of religious conscience. The child should attend the ‘assembly’ part of the proceedings, i.e. the general school notices and information, but can then withdraw from the worship. Parents might wish to provide some material from their own faith for their child to study.
