
Mountfields Lodge School

Aim High, Reach for the Sky

Mountfields Lodge School


Welcome to Amber!


Welcome to Class Amber, one of 2 parallel classes in our Foundation Stage base. Our curriculum follows the EYFS seven areas of learning, and is play-based (similar to that which you will have experienced in pre-school settings or other Foundation Stage classrooms).

We hope you will have lots of fun in Foundation Stage, as well as developing important skills that will build the foundations of your learning throughout school.


You will be welcomed to our class by our class teachers: Mrs Lloyd (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Tyler Carss (Wed-Fri) and Teaching Partners: Mrs Mabavu and Mrs Neeson, Mrs Davis and Miss Brompton.

Access to our classroom is via a door at the back of school, which leads into our cloakroom. Please hang your coat and P.E. bag on your named peg. You will also have a book bag for your reading books. Please put this in your classroom drawer.


We have our own Foundation Stage playground, where you will be able to play with children from all three of the classes, at both playtime and lunchtime.


We will share your learning with your parents and carers on Tapestry (our on-line Learning Journey). They will be able to view photos, notes and videos on their phones, so they can see the exciting learning you have been doing! We also use Tapestry (along with information on the classroom door) to ensure your parents / carers know what we will be learning next. Tapestry is also useful for conveying information about special days or events due to take place at school so do make sure your parents register an email address with us so you don’t miss out! You parents and carers are (of course) always welcome to pop in and have a chat with any of the staff however if there is anything they are concerned about, or just have a few questions.



Just a few reminders

  • Please please make sure all clothes, coats, shoes, wellies, PE kits are ALL NAMED.

  • Please send your child with a named water bottle with fresh water in each day.

  • We always need waterproofs and wellies in school as we are outside no matter what the weather.

  • We have PE on Fridays so need to come to school wearing their PE kit.

  • We ask parents to read with their child's little wandle reading book each week. Children who read at home regularly make much more rapid progress.

  • Phonics underpins so much of what we do. Please reinforce the sounds we have been learning at school when you are at home.

  • Keep an eye on Tapestry – any reminders or information about what we will be learning next week will be on that.

  • Please send us photos and notes about what your child has been doing at home via Tapestry, so we have a comprehensive picture of your child’s skills and interests.
