
Mountfields Lodge School

Aim High, Reach for the Sky

Mountfields Lodge School


Autumn 2023


Here is what we shall be doing during the Autumn Term:


English - We are practising using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Having correct letter formation. Our English unit is Who Lives Here? Recount writing.


Maths - We are working with numbers up to 10; place value, number bonds, addition and subtraction.


History - Florence Nightingale


Geography - (Autumn 2)


Science - Animals, including humans. We will be looking at how to classify animals and their habitats and diet.


Computing - Basic computer skills.


D&T - (Autumn 2)


Art - Drawing skills.


PE - Dance, gymnastics and ball skills.


RE - Judaism.


Week 1: Tiger Who Came to Tea Activities

In History we are being detectives. We are discovering more about Florence Nightingale.
